Monday, January 5, 2009


it's kinda scary to log in to nuffnang and found people actually searches for ur name as the keywords...

but one thing i really have no idea is... they really search through those search engine? or is there any other way that it'll appear in the keywords list? i'm not that IT savvy after all.

well, perhaps nothing to hoo hah about. but who would actually search my full name leh?


3POINT8 said...

sometimes i google an old friend's name... just see if that person is still alive.

M-Tequila said...

ok... i'm relieved a little now...

and whoever searched my name...


Haro Genki said...

Ah, some friend probably? Its okay

M-Tequila said...

i guess i'm being paranoid after all.. hehe... thx...

Loke said...

someone did google my full name and found my blog. was so scared and realise it was an old friend linked my blog using my full name! i only put my full name in facebook.
