Thursday, January 8, 2009

BARGH! 001

Referring to my previous post regarding Jobstreet, I’m surprised that I actually got an email from Jobstreet themselves asking what to improve on… I didn’t know the impact I would create when that post is actually directing to the people that I called for interview and also some of my friends’.

my post was about 1.30pm. and from gmail's time, he emailed me at 3pm. O.O"

Here’s what he sent :-
Hi Michelle,

Let me start by introducing myself. I am the Regional UserCare Manager for Jobstreet and I saw your post on the lack of Jobseeker effort on their CV. I assume that you are in HR or a recruiter. May I ask what is lacking in the Jobstreet format and what you wish that our format consists. This will help us to improve the format and convince the Jobseeker to put in more comprehensive information. On the language and small letter, we may be able to use our system to detect this and advice the Jobseeker to improve their structure when they upload their CV with us.

Appreciate your feedback on this.


Best Regards,
Daryl Wong
Regional Corporate Care Manager
Improving Lives Through Better Careers
So, of cos, I replied… :-
Hi Daryl

It's a pleasant surprise to receive an e-mail from you. To begin with, I apologize for putting such statement in my post. I don't have anything against Jobstreet. Just the individual users themselves.

I'm not from the HR. I work as a Customer Service Executive in one of the MNC which I actually got from Jobstreet few months back, and I truly thank you as it's really a great job.

I was instructed by my manager to call a few candidates for interview, and I just don't understand why do they need to print directly from Jobstreet when they can just compose one themselves. It is not the resume part I'm concern about. It's the candidates. Perhaps internet has become way too convenient for users and becoming overly dependent on internet. I also understand that's why Jobstreet made it convenient for users so that they can depend on Jobstreet to retrieve their comprehensive resume.

Perhaps on the grammar and the capital and small letters need to improve on because people nowadays are so used to chatting and using Microsoft Office which doesn't even requires using the shift button on the keyboard. I did talk about having own style. I believe that when one person compose something, they have their style and it does shows their personality. Perhaps you could do something like, they get to pick their own template? Just a suggestion.

Out of curiosity, how did u come across my post?

Have a great day


Big Cow said...

omg... people in jobstreet are blog stalkers?? :O

Loke said...

wow. this shows jobstreet meant business. isn't that great?!


M-Tequila said...


lembu besar... well at good cause. sometimes people do look for critics from public as some individual is too 'shy' to approach that particular party directly. agree?

M-Tequila said...

lol... Loke, i guess so... :D nevermind about business. i just mind traffic. ^^