Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Baby Haul Part 1

Last month we went back KL and of cos, we need to buy some stuffs for the baby. And because the baby was shy and didn’t wanna show the gender, we need to go neutral first. Here are some items that we already bought. I didn’t dare to go crazy cos we didn’t know the gender yet.

Actually, I bought these without any direction. I do have a list of 'To Buys', but... I just felt a bit lost. First-time-mom lost. T.T

Saturday, July 22, 2017

DIY Passport Sized TN Fauxdori

Finally a blog post that is not related to the baby. But the next one is. Haha…

I’ve been wanting to jump on the Traveler’s Notebook bandwagon for the longest time, but it is so expensive! Then, I saw the1992version has rejected stocks on sale! There’s lines and what not on the leather but it doesn’t matter! So, that day I bought the regular size and have it sent to Lynn’s place. I have a few things being help captive by her now. Haha… Can’t wait for her to send all of it to Singapore! Then, maybe I'll do unboxing post/video?

So, I bought the regular sized TN. While the regular sized I will be using mainly as journalling, my butt itchy! I wanna try the passport sized as well, cos the second batch on sale was the passport sized. I missed it by one tiny bit! Someone bought the last one, and no, I won’t buy Midori’s TN cos it’s expensive and I don’t know if I will like the system or not.

So, how?

I made one. Ngehehe…

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Old Wives Tale on Baby's Gender

There was twice we went for scanning to try to find out our baby’s gender, but our baby is very very very shy (OSCAR Scan took very long to turn to get a view of the nasal bone). He/she doesn’t wanna open the legs for us to know the gender! So, I found some old wives tale and see how accurate are they.