Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dr visits and needles

The happy posts are up, now onto a more serious note.

Once we confirmed the pregnancy using the Clearblue test kit, I know my pregnancy journey would not be an easy one.

I have Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes.

Friday, June 23, 2017

The reveal + Mom's Birthday

After finding out I am pregnant, of cos the next would be revealing to the family members.

Once I went and test using the 3rd test kit, ahbuii inform his mom I might be pregnant but not confirm. Well, the line was fainted and we are just not sure. Until the very next day, we tested using the Clearblue, then we are more sure about it and that’s when I texted my mom about it.

Slowly, I reached out to some friends to ask about some stuffs and some friends knew about it too but kept it hush hush...

That was when I’m still in Singapore and still within the 1st trimester.

Entering the 2nd trimester, ahbuii kept asking me if he can announce alre or not. I kept saying no! Hahaha! Cos I’ve planned on revealing to my family first when I am back to KL, which was during the early 2nd trimester.

First up, Shia Lynn and Justin.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Do you know how difficult it is to know something and you can’t share it out? And when u feel guilty about not updating the blog but you can’t and don’t know what to update because your life is revolving to that something that you can’t share?

Finally… I can share it now!