Saturday, March 15, 2014


When I first heard about the missing plane, I was in China. I was kinda relieved that we didn't decide to go Beijing instead. While feeling relieved, I was feeling worried. Why MAS? I couldn't keep scrolling my facebook and also twitter there. Not because it was banned, but I didn't have any data roaming. I was kinda pissed as well that the tour company saying the hotels would be 4 star hotels. OK... Maybe they ARE 4 star hotels but their 4 star hotels didn't even have wifi. Some has wifi in the lobby but I was too lazy to put on the large thick jackets to go down. Some didn't even have any wifi in the entire hotel. We jumped a few hotels cos the tour covers a few area and the one with no wifi in the entire hotel was in Shanghai... SHANGHAI leh!  T.T

Anyhow, luckily China have a TV program specifically for updates on MH370. While sitting in front of the TV for 1 and half hours waiting for a more positive update, it only announces stuffs repeatedly. Like, what time the plane took off, what time they lost contact, what time they announced the missing plane and made it public, what time what was deployed for the search, which country is assisting on the search… etc… etc…

I got back to Malaysia on 12th March. 4th day of the missing plane. Still no news. Why? 

There’s a lot of assumptions on FB. Crashed into the sea. Hijacking. Crashed in Penang. Crashed near Malacca. Landed in India. I'm reading there are total of eight possibilities. So many assumptions! The latest I read was India has joined the search and now searching around uninhabited jungle islands. Making them the 12th country to assist on the search.

Is this why the family members from China being "accidentally" transited to India cos the plane indeed landed in India? *gaspssss*

Did they went in to the time tunnel?? Such thing really exist? 

I personally think that Malaysian Government knows something that we don’t know and don’t want anyone to know and want to settle it in shadow. That’s why they kept on denying stuffs. We are now also at the top of the shame stage! I don’t wanna say what, but I believe everyone knows what I’m talking about. I hope I’m wrong tho about the whole settling in shadow thing… 

Whatever the reason is, I hope all 239 of them on the plane are still alive and safe and will go back to their family soon. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pathetic Sliced Watermelon for replacement in Kim Gary Sunway Branch

so, u have deleted my post eh? its ok. i can post it again. in fact, this whole post will be in my blog, so that in case if this post is missing again, i can just easily look it up and repost it. 

u saw that photograph of watermelon? looks pathetic eh? lemme REMIND you what happened on 30th jan. 

we went to kim gary sunway branch and there was about 8 of us for supper. and of cos we ordered meal sets. we were being advised that the borsch soup is finished and your staff advised us that it will be replaced with fruits. we were more than happy to accept it because fruits are of cos a more healthier option. 

but to our surprise, we were being served with these pathetic looking watermelon. if i am not mistaken, your borsch soup costs approximately RM4. does that plate of watermelon look like RM4 to you!? i can buy a better amount for even RM1 at a random cut fruits stalls! WE FEEL CHEATED!

at the end, we did not touch a single piece of those sliced watermelon. so instead of replacing the soup with fruits, u r wasting that plate of fruits. 

we questioned your staff, why were we being served  with such sad looking plate of sliced watermelon? does this even justify to the soup? and guessed what we were being replied. IT WAS THE MANAGEMENT'S ORDER!

so almost immediately, i posted on your page. i understand that it was CNY, so i gave enough time for you to respond. but instead of giving me the result of investigation, you just acknowledge my post with :

"Greetings from Kim Gary,

A very sorry to you for the incident that you had experienced, we will feedback to the respective department and investigate this case internally.

Thank you for your comment, because this can help us to improve our service.

Best regards,
Kim Gary Customer Service"

fine. it was still CNY. i gave more time. but today, when i want to follow up, my post was being deleted. i cannot find anywhere! "Best regards, Kim Gary Customer Service"? what sort of customer service is this? are you joking with a customer service who has been in the service line for more than 10 years? your company motto is "Make Customers Say Marvelous"? sure! MARVELOUS CUSTOMER SERVICE!

so, dear management, now i am questioning you. are these your decisions? to serve customers with pathetic looking plate of  watermelon? i totally understand if your instructions are to replace the soup with watermelon. but with sliced watermelon? seriously? 

here is what i want you guys to do :-
1, explaination on why was the pathetic looking plate of watermelon that does not even cost RM1 being served to cheat customers
2, explaination on why is my post being deleted and i am banned from posting on your page
3, explaination on the time line u need to rectify a complain and get back to customer. u do not have time line? i guess it is time to set one