Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happy Mothers' Day!

obviously, in one family there are few mommies...

my family decided to do pot luck for this year's mummy's day. i for sure did not contribute anything. heck, i didnt even wash anything cos i was so sleepy. i was working on that day, ok? waking up at 4.30am everyday, ok? i was so sleeping even when i was eating. bed is definitely like a heaven to me by the time strikes 9pm.

anyways, that is not the point here...


once i got home, i sneak peaked what the ladies in my house are doing.

sneak peaked into the fridge and found fruit salad... by my aunt...

my grandma was just sitting around waiting for the rest to arrive...

and when the rest arrive, we waited for the pizza to arrive. :D

finally it came and all of us dig in...

presenting what was presented on that day...


this jelly, is a must for every gathering we have. its home made and it is ordered from kepong. dem nice ah. not too sweet. if u see properly, it is layered...

this is oso ordered from the same kepong fella.

mom's. everybody knows my mom love's doing tuna sammich.

kao zhi... er... dumpling? dont know where they ordered from.

fried chicken. orderd from the famous ayam goreng in ss14. ^^

they said he opened another branch in ss15 d. not so many people wor. so they asked me dun crazy take q numbers with the rest anymore.

pizza. no need intro la rite?

there was oso spaghetti which i forgot to snap a pict. i was diving into the food alre.

and of cos, the fruit salad.


half way when we were eating, mom was hiding in the kitchen doing this. she sendiri create herself wan.

basically, it's seaweed wrapped with tuna + corn. den masuk oven a while. not bad la. but need to makan it right after coming out from the oven. if not, the seaweed will get soggy absorbing the moist from the tuna.

after makan, i went up stairs and dozed off. fat die me... T.T

but they were happily laughing away taking photos. the grandchildren have to give something to my grandma. i bought flower. not sure about others, but my cousin bro bought body shop set for my grandma. hahahaha...

to all mommies in the family, and also every single mommies out there... even your kids pissed u off sometimes, they still love u no matter what.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Danang, Vietnam

was on a 5 days 4 nights trip to Vietnam... i've heard of  Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh but never Danang. it was few days before the trip only i know we are actually heading towards Danang.

we signed up this tour with Experts Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd.

i'll let the pictures do the talking as i cant really remember where is what and what is what...

once we arrived at the airport... 

HUGE guan yin statue!!!

they have a lot of bonsai decorated with miniatures... so cute... 

first nite's hotel... 

can see air port~

han river bridge... LIGHTS! 

vietnam coffee which i waited FOREVER for it to drip... T.T

i will definitely never forget this pumpkin chicken. it is so damn yummy that i am very sure there is no other chicken can replace the chicken status on my taste bud. 

stone carvings

marble carvings

damn white... did they bath it everyday? 

somewhere in between the creepy cave... 

hotel for 2nd night... 

was at the street, something like our jonker street in malacca. a lot of things to see... i like this barber shop. 

in some temple along that street. 

one of the many dinner we had. 

this is the only place i remember its name. myson. some historic place. go wiki if u wanna know more. 

3rd nite's room

danang is known for their clean beach too... but too bad we didnt get to enjoy the beaches. 

at one of the restaurant, which MOST of the decorations are marbles... 

casino in Danang. gamble in USD. not bad. obviously not packed like Genting.