Sunday, January 29, 2012

CNY 2012

well, a little gentle warning. lotsa pictures ahead... 

21 jan

2nd lou sang~ 

the CNY feel for this year started on the night before the reunion dinner. we had our pre-reunion dinner in subang parade with the 4th uncle and auntie with of cos my cousinss... 

granny being camera shyy... lol... 

MrV is back to Ayer Tawar with his siblings the same morning and i practically rot my day awaiting watching big bang theory until dinner time. and i thought by staying at home being on stand by is useful. =.=" 

called my 4th uncle and aunt for dinner and after dinner, we walked around in subang parade. well, parkson closed pretty late and i got myself a pair of jeans! yay! (its really difficult for me to buy clothes so im just being excited. :D)

granny and cousin wilson

 fortune cookie from japanese colleague, chie-san 

22 jan


the next day, i had to work morning shift. so the earlier preparation, i didnt manage to snap any picts. when i got home, freshen up a lil and waited for the rest to come. 


i think this would be the 2nd year we made steamboat for reunion dinner. well... its easy. easy to prepare and easy to clean up. and watever we cant finish, we keep and use for next meal. or even can use them to cook maggi mee...

 MrV's fav. ^^


kinboy being all excited with all my aunts and uncles and cousins over. he was soo busy that night looking and following ppl in and out. and look at the face! smiling all night long!


other than steamboat, we cannot not have my grandma's best dish. braised pork with sea cucumber. and rice...   

cousins diggin in...  

wilson attempting to pop the bottle without hurting anyone... lol... 

sparkling juice... yums... 

lucky draw...

we have this tradition every reunion dinner. as dessert, we will have soya with tong yuin. and in all of it will have red bean fillings. only one with chocolate filling. we will all chip in some cash to feed the ang pao. whoever who ate the chocolate filling will be the lucky one taking the ang pao... 

and the lucky one this year is cousin tracy. 

23 jan

the usual 1st day of cny, all of us will be in jinjang, kepong. surprisingly, we are the only family this year. no idea where are the rest. there goes my ang pao collection. :P 

again, i am working morning shift. right after my shift, i apps'ed bernard and joann, and they were like. "no, we havent even left subang yet!" =.="" which is good! cos it means i didnt missed out much. hehe... 

once i arrived, they started with their manicure mini bar... after that, gambled a few rounds and we took our dinner. the leftovers from the steamboat the night before. 

well, while we were having our dinner, grandma merajuk'ed a lil. she said we were fighting for food like we never eat for a long time. which made ALL of us went 'huh?!' ended up, all the grandchildren went in the room one by one to pujuk her. and... failed miserably... =.="

after that, she fell asleep, we continued our dinner and more gambling and she was ok all over again! 

obviously, grandma didnt have dinner. so once we reached subang, we went for mamak so that she can eat something before heading home. not that we didnt keep any food for her but she keep pushing ALL of us away from the room. 

headed home, and i slept like a pig. 

ok. below will have lotsa yada yada yada... just wanna keep note on what was i up to during cny. 

24 jan

MrV is back~ had dinner with him and his brother and headed home. nothing much on that day tho... 

25 jan

had dinner with mom, aunt and grandma in ss15. i guess it is bcos of the crowd, the food was just so so... but then it was nice... ^^

after dinner, went over to auntie jane's place. ah wei bought something back from ipoh and wanted to pass some to grandma so we went over and collect them. 

26 jan 

hrm. nothing much. finish noon shift and headed home. the silly boy slept all the way. =.="

27 jan

went over to jess's place for steamboat dinner. and gambled and boy we laughed a lot while gambling. we played 'in between'. and i almost died from heart attack. ok. over exaggerated. but close enough. 

it was nice seeing jess and von again. :)

28 jan

MrV went back first and rest... and slept all the way again. while i was at work. then picked him up to settle some old habit. smoke. drove ard and drove to usj19... and went home for dinner... 

29 jan

i hv to stay back for the 2 hrs i took off early on 27th. so i have to work till 12am. MrV is on-call tonight. which means, i'll be sleeping alone tonight. T.T 

cant wait till tmrw! wheeeeeeeeeee~~ ^^ 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

so many things...

... so little time!

i got so many things to blog which i dont know what to blog first! and i got a lot of back logged stuffs i wanna blog. but then now i dont feel like blogging it alre cos it is wayyyyy toooooo longggg agoooooo!!!


anyhowsss, noelle was in town!

ok. not the first time. the previous trip she was with chris, eve and cheryl. yay! met new ppl again. nice bunch! but that time we just had dinner at jalan alor and thats it.

and silly chris and eve left their passports at the hotel. lucky enough, jessy was going to singapore on the same day itself. so she helped them collected their passports (and their bbpooh's passport too), and then drove to the customs. and then all 4 of them was still there! so they forced themselves into the small little kancil with all the luggages and went in to singapore. =.="

oh... no. out of topic liao...

so, noelle was in town since wednesday. but she was here for the company's kick off. and then she extended her stay here starting from saturday noon until monday. and then she is flying off on tuesday.

saturday she came to my office to meet me up after my work. we went for snow beer in cheras with abbie and nikie. after that we headed to enigma in tmn desa. initially, was thinking to bring her to words chat. but abbie said its closed alre. :( we went enigma. ordered the 1st 2 jugs and shared 4 of us. after that we ordered another 2 jugs and only me and noelle drank.

after finishing the jugs, pack my stuffs frm home and went for lok lok in sunway. and then headed back to hotel. and by the time we reached the hotel, it was alre 4am.

the next day, we went straight to sunway pyramid and had bubba gump for late lunch. and boyy... the lunch was heavy! both of us was sooo full until we cant even move!

we walked ard pyramid. until noelle was having headache. we wanted to watch movie but the timing is out cos MrV is coming back to KL ard the same time the movie starts. so we ended in haagen dazs instead. we had ice cream and smoked until i recv MrV's msg stating that he is on the way from his sister's place. so we made a move back to my house to pick him up.

all 3 of us were in the car. all 3 of us couldnt eat anymore. so all 3 of us ended up watching real steel in mid valley. yaaa!!! real steel is still showing in mid valley!!

after movie, we sent noelle back to the hotel, and we went home and zzz.

on monday, is a little more eventful cos woke up slightly earlier.

of cos, in the morning, MrV will go to work. and then i continue sleep a while and got up. started msg everyone what is the dinner plan like. took shower and dilly dally a lil and then headed out to pick noelle up.

1st stop was dim sum in ss2.

2nd stop, we went karaoke from 1pm to 3pm! omg! its only rm8! my cheapest karaoke session in my entire life so far! but the sound system sucks. to. the. max.

3rd stop was yu kee bak kut teh in ss14. she die die oso wanna eat bak kut teh. =.="

4th stop was in pyramid. again. cos she wanna buy some krispy kreme and planet popcorn back to singapore.

5th stop was at MrV's work place to pick him up.

6th stop was at the mamak near nikie's place.

7th stop was at nikie's place to have a quick shower. i tell u.... the weather is sooo damn hot! at least after shower. felt better. dun feel so agitated. :P

8th stop was at wang chiew restaurant in ss2.

9th stop was at the hotel. sending noelle back and checked with the reception on the transportation to KLIA.

bid farewell and then...

10th stop. home sweet home. and MrV is snoring now. hehe~

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cherating (on the way)

Yup! Blogging LIVE. Haha. I'm now in Nikie's car. Nikie's driving.

Ystd when mrV was sending me to work, I actually forgot to take the coupon for cherating. I actually asked him to u-turn go send me home to take it. Luckily he reminded me that I can just print it in the office. Hehe... Silly me.

They r arguing on what to eat. -.-"

I will be taking the room alone. It will be my first time sleeping alone in a hotel room. Being a chicken, I wonder will I end up with sleepless nights or not. :P
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Just updated my private blog with tons of emo stuffs. Emo, at the beginning of the year. How wonderful is that?

Something to look fwd to would be this weekend's cherating trip! Nope. Not ruby's this time. Bought a deal from groupon last year. So we r gonna have a early of the year vacay. I'll be sleeping alone! Good is, I hv the room to me self. Bad is, I wonder will I freak out and end up not getting any sleep or not. :(

I shall continue rolling in my bed ber-emo-ing.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone