Monday, February 21, 2011

Fun 10 days!

welp. thats the reason why i went MIA from blogging world. was busy having fun.
no. i didnt go for any vacation. i was still in KL. just enjoying company with friends. :)

my leave starts on 10th Feb, Thurs.
and as usual, i am not a morning person. i slept all the way until the very last minute to make it for the 'ji mui' meeting for an ex-colleague's wedding at Mid Valley's Library.

was mad happy to be able to meet up with Eddie again. my 爱人. lol. who was my ex-colleague as well. :D
the night didnt end there. and this... i shall keep it a secret. cos i will reveal once the time has come. :)

11th Feb, Fri.
as usual, i slept all the way until the very last minute to get ready for TI's OTT. this time's OTT is at jim's place for lou sang. after lou sang, we hung around at his place and then went separate ways in 2 groups. 1 group headed to al-barkath. another group headed to cheras's 118 food court.

12th Feb, Sat.
the long awaited bbq at tanti's! and it was mad crazy!! i guess i was being the youngest in the group again. :P
but in the middle of the bbq, a girl passed out and got everyone panicked. while getting her to slowly walk out to get in the car, she totally fainted on the floor. tanti was slapping her non-stop to keep her awake. some of them followed her to the hospital. some of us stayed at tanti's home waited. after all that, she is ok. she just over-worked in the gym... 6 hours 1 of the days that week, and 4 hours on the exact day of the bbq... @.@

13th Feb, Sun.
by the time i got up, it was already 3pm and i wanted to send my grandma back to subang to stay for a nite. at first she was throwing tantrum saying that by the time im done getting ready it will be late. rolled my eyes and went ahead to get ready. after my shower, i locked myself in my room to blow dry my hair and grandma knocked on the door and asked if i am willing to send her to subang. i asked her to pack as well so that she can stay a night in subang. well, i did saw her folding her own clothes so i thought she did packed to stay a night. while waiting for the lift, i saw my dear grandma waiting for the lift with me... empty handed. =.=
i asked her where are her clothes. she said she is not staying over and gave me the guilt trip by saying "u cant fetch me back tonight? if u cant, i dont wanna go. i can stay in." @.@
so i sent her to subang, one of my aunt's house. then went to pick up daphne and headed to meet the girls in ss2. we convoyed to the dinner location. which... i have no idea where. im sorry i am a direction idiot... but the restaurant's name is restaurant Wang Chiew...

mochi from Al~ ^^

yee sang~ i think this was the 3rd of the year. and the last... T.T

saliva dripping already...

yums. all being 'sapu-ed'. lol...

we finished our dishes and food and then went for a short drink at the mamak in centre point. we laughed and laughed... and the night ended by me sending daphne back and picked my grandma up and went home. :)

14th Feb, Mon.
it's Valentines' Day! except that i do not have a Valentine of my own. :P
but... i have great friends to keep me company that night. Jessica and Daphne. newly met Marc at tanti's bbq... and 3 other whom i met randomly. they were being inro-ed by one of my colleague, Jess previously from a drinking night. Jack, Mark and Huat.
we were at USJ19's Escape Beergarden. one of the event organised by one of the TI members, Edison. its a well done job. everyone enjoyed. well, i of cos enjoyed myself with 5 jugs of beer in total. with blackjack and chordee... lol...
after the drinking session, we went mamak a while and the headed home.
good thing is, i didnt vomit at all. bad thing is... i almost got myself in an accident. :X

15th Feb, Tue.
to be honest, i cant remember what i did today. T.T
but i think i went all the way to KL and went yum cha with chris. i think... :X
please fill me in if u know... T.T

16th Feb, Wed.
went for dress shopping for the wedding. and i cant find anything i like. and... i walked and walked until i cant even feel my legs anymore. EJ and YanYan is sweet enough to come all the way to oneU for our initial appointment. BBQ Plaza. :P
initial plan was to meet them at Puchong instead but then, i was in my aunt's car all day and left my car somewhere else. so, they came instead and have dinner with me. and then they sent me to collect my car and headed home.
i was dead tired and i fell asleep with my lappie on... T.T

17th Feb, Thu.
MORE SHOPPING! and i got the dinner dress. but not the dress for the morning... :(
but... i got myself a bag!

small part of my bagsss... and more in subang... :P

18th Feb, Fri.
finally finally! finally i get to eat the long awaiting Claypot Dong Fun!!
went over to tesco in puchong to pick chris up. why puchong? read on... :)
then we headed directly to janda baik... and... took the wrong exit and got loss for... like... erm... 1 hour? T.T
we finally got out of the long winded road and got on track. and!!!!!!!!!!!!!


after dinner, we headed back to kepong to get Lawrence's stickers and forms. and also meet Lawrence half way so that we can convoy to the meet up location.

it was the OJTT - Official Joint TT.
and the venue is fabulous. its at V One Concept Restaurant & Bar.

why is it fabulous?

bcos, their menu is an ipad... and wat else u noticed?

the chairs! its ALL racing seats!

ignore that idiot. and look at the stage...

and there is a Ferrari parked in the restaurant. ^^ and no. no picture. u have to go see for yourself.

some of the food...

Black Pepper Chicken Chop

Hawaiian Pizza

Lemon Chicken Chop

the price are all reasonable for a concept restaurant. :)

after OJTT, we took off and went for McD. and then sent chris to get her car and balik tido~

19th Feb, Sat.
went over to anson's place cos both jim and lawrence was there.

took this when i was messing around jim's car. :P

went for dinner with them and after that headed over to auntie suzi's place to meet up with her and also jessica and tanti... had a great laugh over chinese tea. the art of tea making.


now, i am at work. :)

p/s :- forgive me on the lousy picture quality. my Ixus is being kidnapped, by my aunt. T.T

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bruno Mars - Today My Life Begins

I've been working hard so long
Seems like pain has been my only friend
My fragile heart's been done so wrong
I wondered if I'd ever heal again

Ohh just like all the seasons, never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting, it's mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins

Yesterday has come and gone
And I've learn how to leave it where it is
And I see that I was wrong
For ever doubting I could win

Ohh just like all the seasons, never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting, it's mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins

Life's to short to have regrets
So I'm learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget
Only have one life to live
So you better make the best of it

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting, it's mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting, it's mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins
Today my life begins...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

范瑋琪 Fan Wei Qi / 没那么爱他 Mei Na Me Ai Ta

你有权利情绪化 你不一定要坚强 但有些事情
ni you quan li qing xu hua ni bu yi ding yao jian qiang dan you xie shi qing

不能伪装 别为自己设了框
bu neng wei zhuang bie wei zi ji she le kuang

我懂失去的悲伤 也懂进退的挣扎 但想起过去
wo dong shi qu de bei shang ye dong jin tui de zheng zha dan xiang qi guo qu

都是失望 又何必要放不下
dou shi shi wang you he bi yao fang bu xia

是习惯还是爱 不放心 还是不甘心 只有你自己知道解答
shi xi guan hai shi ai bu fang xin hai shi bu gan xin zhi you ni zi ji zhi dao jie da

其实你没有那麽爱他 真的不需要那麽想他
qi shi ni mei you na mo ai ta zhen de bu xu yao na mo xiang ta

编织过的梦想 自已也可以抵达 谁说一定要有他
bian zhi guo de meng xiang zi yi ye ke yi di da shui shuo yi ding yao you ta

其实你没有那麽爱他 没有深陷到不可自拔
qi shi ni mei you na me ai ta mei you shen xian dao bu ke zi ba

认清了真心话 你就放得下
ren qing le zhen xin hua ni jiu fang de xia

我懂失去的悲伤 也懂进退的挣扎 但想起过去
wo dong shi qu de bei shang ye dong jin tui de zheng zha dan xiang qi guo qu

都是失望 又何必要放不下
dou shi shi wang you he bi yao fang bu xia

是习惯还是爱 不放心 还是不甘心 只有你自己知道解答
shi xi guan hai shi ai bu fang xin hai shi bu gan xin zhi you ni zi ji zhi dao jie da

其实你没有那麽爱他 真的不需要那麽想他
qi shi ni mei you na mo ai ta zhen de bu xu yao na mo xiang ta

编织过的梦想 自已也可以抵达 谁说一定要有他
bian zhi guo de meng xiang zi yi ye ke yi di da shui shuo yi ding yao you ta

其实你没有那麽爱他 没有深陷到不可自拔
qi shi ni mei you na me ai ta mei you shen xian dao bu ke zi ba

认清了真心话 你就放得下
ren qing le zhen xin hua ni jiu fang de xia

深呼吸 抬头望 发现天空很宽广
shen hu xi tai tou wang fa xian tian kong hen kuan yan

这世界那麽大 幸福总会在某个地方
zhe shi jie na mo da xing fu zong hui zai mou ge di fang

其实你没有那麽爱他 真的不需要那麽想他
qi shi ni mei you na mo ai ta zhen de bu xu yao na me xiang ta

拥有过的计划 留给值得的对象 你知道 不会是他
yong you guo de ji hua liu gei zhi de de dui xiang ni zhi dao bu hui shi ta

其实你没有那麽爱他 没有深陷到不可自拔
qi shi ni mei you na mo ai ta mei you shen xian dao bu ke zi ba

认清了真心话 你就放得下
ren qing le zhen xin hua ni jiu fang de xia